
BatteryBar Pro 3.5.4 Full Crack

Penulis : Pada Hari : | Jam : 10:04 PM | Tulis Komentar

BatteryBar Pro 3.5.4 Full Crack - Dari namanya anda sudah pasti tau kan apa fungsinya. lumayan bagus loh sob untuk merawat battery laptop anda. jadi gini nih BatteryBar Pro Full adalah aplikasi sederhana yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memantau status baterai laptop Anda yang akan ditampilkan pada taskbar [www.sch-share.com]. BatteryBar selalu memantau status baterai bila Anda menggunakan laptop. Ini akan membuat data historis pada baterai Anda dan memberikan perkiraan yang sangat akurat tentang berapa banyak waktu yang tersisa pada baterai Anda.

BatteryBar Pro Full constantly monitors the status of your battery as you use your laptop. As it monitors your battery, it keeps historical data on your battery and provide you with a very accurate estimate of how much time is remaining on your battery.

Other Features

  • Vista style - The toolbar is using the same look and feel as the Vista taskbar buttons
  • Statistical time prediction - BatteryBar monitors your battery and keeps a history of how long it takes for your battery to charge and discharges. That information is used to more accurately predict the life of your battery
  • Translations - BatteryBar fully or partially supports 13 languages. Anyone may volunteer to translate BatteryBar to additional languages
  • Detailed Battery Info - BatteryBar is now capable of collecting detailed information about your battery, including max capacity (mW), current capacity (mW), charge rate (mW), discharge rate (mW), and more.
  • Automatic Update - BatteryBar will check for new versions at startup and automatically download the new version
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